
Rising Tide 7 Now Open

Registration for Rising Tide 7 is now open at Eventbrite...

Content is coming together for this year's conference and announcements will be made soon. But if the Conference's reputation is enough to compel you to register, your faith will be rewarded with our "Festival Season" pricing of only $18. Trust us and register now for a fantastic rate.

Past featured speakers have included David Simon (creator of Treme, The Wire and The Corner), Richard Campanella (Tulane professor and author of Geographies of New Orleans), Mac McClelland (blogger and writer for Mother Jones), Harry Shearer (writer, actor, host of the weekly radio show Le Show), John Barry (author of Rising Tide), Dave Zirin (author of Welcome to the Terrordome) and authors Christopher Cooper and Robert Block (Disaster: Hurricane Katrina and the Failure of Homeland Security).

Panels from past Conferences have included: 
  • Discussions on environmental issues raised by the BP Oil Disaster (RT5, RT6)
  • Crime and safety at the onset of the Serpas / Landrieu administration (RT5)
  • The growing influence of social media on both journalism and activism (RT1, RT3, RT6)
  • Food & culture in the city (RT3, RT6)
  • The development and importance of brass bands from high school marching bands to gigging musicians (RT6)
  • Presentations on flood safety and levee protection (RT2, RT3, RT5)
  • An education panel  on elementary and secondary education with teachers, parents and administrators (RT3)
  • Mental health in the wake of the flood (RT4)
  • City, state and national politics panels (RT1, RT2, RT3, RT4, RT5)
Like "Tech School" at RT7 there will be a second stage of programming this year that will include dialog and involvement with attendees on issues affecting New Orleans.

As always, Rising Tide registration includes lunch and breakfast.


Get involved in the Rising Tide program

Do you have ideas for the next Rising Tide conference?  Wonderful! You're invited to share them at the next RT organizing meeting, which will focus on program content for Rising Tide 7.

Bring your suggestions for the show and join our discussion on Wednesday, May 9, 7pm at Xavier University. We'll meet in room 205 of the University Center (building 17 on the .pdf map here.)
