Want to learn more about using social media? Katy Monnot, author of Bird on the Street, hosts Tech School at Rising Tide 8 at Xavier University – University Center on Saturday, September 14, 2013 from 10am – 5pm.
Panel lineup:
Working With Bloggers –Join Bridgette Duplantis from Experimental Mommy; Maria Sinclair from Babies, Blogging, and the Bayou; and Shercole King from Goodnola.com and Minoritywierdos.com for a discussion on how small, local businesses can leverage the power of blogs to help with promotions. Moderated by Victoria Adams, Network Relations Manager at the Idea Village.
Personal Branding: When You are What You’re Selling – Megan (Braden-Perry) Capone, Celeste “Metry Chick” Haar, and Marielle “NOLA Chick” Songy talk about how to promote yourself and present your work.
Using Visual Tools in Online Promotion – Addie K. Martin of Culicurious.com and Jess Leigh of Jess Leigh Jewels answer questions about selecting the right images, when to share, and how to maximize marketing potential. Moderated by Cara Jouglard of Peanuts are Evil Photography.
Content Marketing – presented by Steve Maloney of Search Influence.
Conference registration is open now. Admission $20 in advance, $40 at the door, show student ID for discount. Breakfast and lunch included.
Rising Tide 8 is sponsored by The Center for the Advancement of Teaching at Xavier University.
Rising Tide NOLA, Inc. is a non-profit organization formed by New Orleans bloggers in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the failure of the federally built levees. After the disaster, the internet became a vital connection among dispersed New Orleanians, former New Orleanians, and friends of the city and the Gulf Coast region. A number of new blogs were created, and combined with those that were already online, an online community with a shared interest in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast developed. In the summer of 2006, to mark the anniversary of the flood, the bloggers of New Orleans organized the first Rising Tide Conference, taking their shared interest in technology, the arts, the internet and social media and turning advocacy in the city into action.
Rising Tide Nola
Katrina NOLA New Orleans Hurricane Katrina Think New Orleans Louisiana FEMA levees flooding Corps of Engineers We Are Not OK wetlands news rebirth Debrisville Federal Flood 8-29
Reply to anonymous: If you have questions or concerns for someone organizing or presenting at the conference, you should contact them directly by email and voice your concerns. Thank you.