
Razzy Tide Awards

Someone asked me to post the full text on the RT Blog:

The Charlie Brown’s Teacher Award – Presented to the Rising Tide organizer you’re most likely to ignore while they’re talking. Tim

The Clint Eastwood Get Off My Lawn Award – Presented to the Rising Tide organizer most likely to call other organizers out for childish behavior. Adrastos

The Scrooge McDuck Empty Money Bin Award – Presented to the Rising Tide organizer most likely to overestimate costs, present outrageous break-even figures, lament the creation of any more t-shirts, and posters (and he ends up being able to say "I told you so all along."). Mominem

The Kimberly Marshall It’s All About Me Award – Presented to anyone not named Kimberly Marshall, because it ain’t all about her, its about YOU. Varg.

The Wyatt Earp Best Guns Award – Presented to the Rising Tide organizer with the most outrageous biceps. Because sitting at your computer typing is one hell of a workout. Jeffrey.

The Davis McAlary Authentic Authenticity Award – Presented to the Rising Tide organizer who keeps it the most real. Jeffrey.

The Han Solo You Came In That Thing, You’re Braver Than I Thought Award – Presented to the Rising Tide organizer who carpooled other Rising Tide organizers to the meetings in a workhorse vehicle that may not actually make the trip. Jeffrey.

The Millennium Falcon We’ll Be Safe Enough Once We Make the Jump to Hyperspace Award – Presented to the Rising Tide organizer most likely to get stopped by the Empire while speeding away from meetings. Alli.

The Vuvuzela Award – Because you’d rather face a stadium full of plastic horn blowing soccer fans than listen to this Rising Tide organizer imitate Yoda’s voice one more time. Cousin Pat

(And a big Thank-You to Leigh C, who actually gave me a vuvuzela. All future complaints about my behavior at Rising Tide events may be directed to her.)

The Statler and Waldorf Heckle From the Peanut Gallery Award – Presented to the Rising Tide organizer most likely to heckle other Rising Tide organizers, organizers of other conferences, or the general population. Oyster.

The Oh, Didn’t They Ramble Awards – Presented to the Rising Tide organizers who traveled far away from New Orleans, but you wouldn’t be able to tell online:

Sackcloth & Ashes Award to Loki from Ohio

Paddle Faster, I Hear Banjos Award to Sophmom from Georgia

Sarah You Betcha Palin Award to Leigh C. who went all the way to Alaska and back from her house.

The Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak Award – Presented to the Rising Tide organizer who was actually working on something completely different the whole time, but it was so fing awesome we’re giving you an award anyway. Mark Folse and Lisa.

The Queen Bee Attention Deficit Award – Presented to the Rising Tide organizer who organized most meetings without an agenda or talking points, and who in fact spent the majority of the time discussing matters completely unrelated to conference organization (but who cobbled it all together in the end anyway). Dangerblond.

Hopefully, many more of you will agree to participate in organizing Rising Tide events for next year, so we can expand our list of Razzy Tide awards to be handed out on the Friday before the main event. I know you'll all wait in breathless anticipation.
