... while we're at it, add New Orleans to Zirin's book tour dates...if the bookstores can't bring him on down, maybe, uhh, the Rising Tide conference could? Just a thought...
Well, folks, I managed to get my toe in the door on the highly entertaining Rising Tide II planning meetings, I showed impressionable bloggers such as Oyster, Maitri, Dangerblond, Lisa, AshMo, Morwen, Mominem, Mark Folse, Slate, and da Former Po'Boy Welcome To The Terrordome and made my pitch to bring Dave Zirin to New Orleans, and...well...part of me can't believe we all managed to get this guy down here, but in two weeks' time, Zirin will be the keynote speaker at the edge of the lake. The Edge of Sports man himself...
Major, maaaaaajor thanks to Madame Morwen, the wheeler-dealer who's making sure that Zirin's latest hard copy is out there for everyone's perusal and purchase during the conference. Big kudos go out to the conference planners for hearing me out in the beginning and keeping track of all developments through email.
And, as for the rest of y'all, I'd advise you to be there...
... or be a certain four-sided polygon.
Katrina NOLA New Orleans Hurricane Katrina Think New Orleans Louisiana FEMA levees flooding Corps of Engineers We Are Not OK wetlands news rebirth Debrisville Federal Flood 8-29
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