Thursday, November 12, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, Rising Tide is getting its first beginning blogging class on at the Bridge Lounge, located at 1201 Magazine Street. A few us will be showing longtime readers and commenters how we ended up doing this thing and how you can, too, 'cause there are some astute people out there that we know have a lot to say, but might find the details daunting. We will be there to answer all your questions and to set you up right then and there with your own blog. Laptops are welcome. Registration is free.
You read that right. It is free.
Mark your calendars, let us know if you will be attending in the comments to this post, and ask us anything you want to know in the comments as well - we will cover it at the Bridge Lounge on November 12.
Keep an eye on the Rising Tide blog for further information.
Big, BIG thanks to Greg Peters for moving us over to WordPress and taking on some webmaestro duties for all of us RT yahoos. Soon, we will be moved over there completely, so keep an eye out for those changes. We will let you know ASAP.
Rising Tide Nola
Katrina NOLA New Orleans Hurricane Katrina Think New Orleans Louisiana FEMA levees flooding Corps of Engineers We Are Not OK wetlands news rebirth Debrisville Federal Flood 8-29
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