We got a mention on nola.com today, which was even on the homepage for a bit:

And also today, our sports panel moderator Jeffrey of the yellow blog mentioned, among many other things, the panelists he will be chatting with this coming Saturday at the Zeitgeist:
Alejandro de los Rios reporter/blogger for the GambitHope to see you all this year at the Avenue Pub on Friday and the Zeitgeist on Saturday.
Leo McGovern Editor/publisher of ANTIGRAVITY Magazine which is the only local alternative music zine I know of that features a regular sports column. Leo is also a character in Josh Neufeld's After the Deluge.
Chris Wiseman (AKA Mr. Clio, AKA Dilly, AKA Lee De Fleur) Long-time local blogger, ever-enthusiastic member of the Black and Gold Patrol and locally famous Crescent City Classic participant.
The big-picture discussion will be about the role of sports in the local cultural fabric and how that has helped sustain civic identity in the years after the flood. The rest, I'm sure, will be a knuckle-headed argument about the upcoming football season. It should be a fun way to finish the day.
Rising Tide Nola
Katrina NOLA New Orleans Hurricane Katrina Think New Orleans Louisiana FEMA levees flooding Corps of Engineers We Are Not OK wetlands news rebirth Debrisville Federal Flood 8-29
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